My Go-To Question

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Caregiving is hard, especially when your loved one does not want to be cared for in that moment (feel free to insert day, week, month, whatever here). Or you often hear how they don’t need anything and do not want to be a bother.  In those cases, I frequently revert to my go to question- What…

Your next IEP, turn frustration into empowerment

By admin

The IEP System is often complicated.  Working with schools to help decide what is best for your child can be stressful.  You go in thinking that we are all working together to help the student and you leave frustrated that they weren’t hearing you or confused as to what just happened. Many years ago I was told…

The moment of decision

By admin

I remember the moment many years ago clearly.  It was about 18 months after my daughter’s diagnosis.  I was cleaning the bathroom, thinking through things that had to get done.  Suddenly wave after wave of emotions washed over me.  I started crying and slowly fell to my knees in the hallway.  From there I started ugly sobbing and thinking “I…