Your next IEP, turn frustration into empowerment

By admin
Elementary age girl writing at desk.

The IEP System is often complicated.  Working with schools to help decide what is best for your child can be stressful.  You go in thinking that we are all working together to help the student and you leave frustrated that they weren’t hearing you or confused as to what just happened.

Many years ago I was told about Wrightlaw, this changed how we interacted which lead to productive IEPs. After reading Wrightlaw, it gave me the tools to understand what the Special Education Laws were, how they applied and most importantly SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE as the other people in the room. 

By knowing this we as parents were better advocates for our daughter.  I also began to understand the complexities that the educators were under and most importantly how to navigate through that to make advances.  While it is true that everyone in the room wants what is best for the student, the paths to get there are often very different.

No, the schools can’t do everything, nor should they, but after understanding the process, being aware of the systems in play and changing my approach I was able to make some gains in my daughter’s outcomes.  IEP meetings should be conversations and not debates.  IEP meeting are a tool and not the emotional battleground that many parents dread.  

Back to what Wrightslaw is, it is a resource that you as a parent can use.  Go to check it out.  There you will find many things that may be able to help on this journey. Start with one book  or the combo.