The moment of decision
I remember the moment many years ago clearly. It was about 18 months after my daughter’s diagnosis. I was cleaning the bathroom, thinking through things that had to get done. Suddenly wave after wave of emotions washed over me. I started crying and slowly fell to my knees in the hallway. From there I started ugly sobbing and thinking “I just can’t do this” going through my mind over and over again. After what felt like hours, I calmed down and that’s when I realized I couldn’t get out of this situation, I would get through this BUT HOW I GOT THROUGH THIS was entirely up to me. If I was going to guide my family through this I needed to not be on the ground in tears. I needed to take care of myself so my family could flourish instead of merely maintain. I needed to shift my perspective and put me into my ‘people I care for’.
It was a long road with many stops and restarts. I had a firm basis in wellness and stress management through my occupation. I had access to resources and searched for the many that were not there yet. I had to make conscientious choices and redraw boundaries. It is a journey, not a destination.